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What is ISO 10015

The ISO 10015 Quality Standard for Training is a sector specific quality assurance system. It focuses on training processes at the workplace.

ISO 10015 is a standard that is easily understandable for organisations used to ISO related Quality instrument since it is based on the process oriented concepts of the new ISO 9001

ISO 10015 complements ISO 9001 Standard and further elaborates on the clause 6.2.2 -- “Awareness, Competence and Training” and gives clear guidance for its implementation.

Main Benefits of ISO 10015

  • Being sector specific, that is oriented towards workplace learning and training design, the standard offers organisations specific guidance in aligning their training investment with their business objectives; and
  • Offering a clear roadmap for analysing the performance gaps at the organisational level and in making related training investment decisions;
  • Providing state of the art guidelines in managing the training operation so that efficiency and effectiveness could be attained.
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